paraenactive research germinated by/from the
(disrupted) Journal of Media Practice
(disrupted) Journal of Media Practice

Seeking participants > freelance querists for interpreting threads.
Throughout the weekend-long symposium, we'll be collecting & distributing documents pertaining to Papers assembled & disseminated via The (Disrupted) Journal of Media Practice. By means of transduction, these collaborative, para-enactive contributions to the current issue's topic of disruption will circulate among what present bodies assemble, what currents precipitate what motions, what meanings. Notably, these contributions will not be reflected or reported back into the online mediated platform. There will be no redux, no snap-chaff, no FOMO prophylaxis, nor anything that would easily, readily suggest an escalated efficacy by way of purported omni-accessibility. Rather, the discussion might occur as it is prepared, among whatever precarious belonging is there shared.
Any / all invited!