led by Carlos Eduardo Mello by proxy
"(...) Also important for us is that there is a thing - a body - presumably present the cause for alarm, determined to iminently & irrevocably shift, even as or if it's form might appear to change very little."
We cannot see with our own eyes the mutability inside a chrysalis. How many gradients of dissolving, textures and layers. No forms inside the chrysalis actual form, but "there is a thing - a body". Can we see with out own eyes the mutability within ourselves, besides ourselves, among ourselves? When life turns itself, can we see how it turns ourselves? A transitional state.
When you got fired. When a short long term relationship is broken. When you get older. When you fall on your knees at the middle of a creative process, at the middle of mutability. When a project doesn't go as you thought it would be. When your desire simulate you to do something and you have no name for it. When you're almost but not yet.
Between stimulation and feedback. Between desire and its object. Between instants. Chrysalis. Life as a creative process and and instant that describes a gap between dissolving and enduring. Layers. Ours. Yours. Being as a fluyid material inside the chrysalis. A feast between something that lives and something that dies, as Lygia Clark writes to her friend Mario Pedrosa: almost no gap between. It's the feast of life and death.
Can you see the mutability, the hybridism between affect, feelings, creation of ways of living? I don't think I can see it, but I think I can feel it. I can move (within) it. Sometimes it is quite chaotic. And it hurts. How to extract parts from that chaos while it goes through you, in order to keep alive the creative process, the vitality? It doesn't always hurts. It pulses as a beating drum. And you feel it. Your body reacts to it despite yourself. And our sensitive body absorbs that pulse, as the quiescent insect pupa absorbs elements from outside the chrysalises.